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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

hey!! came back from taiwan already le!! haha. and i gave joey a box of plasters from taiwan. ok, dun misunderstand. they're actually chocolates tat really look like plasters. thought of joey the moment i saw it. plasters -> joey -> blisters -> plasters. see, so related right. oh and the others all thought they were plasters too. but in the end they still found out and everyone took 1 from joey. oh ya tat reminds me. i haven't take 1 yet!! i so kind, never buy for myself lor. so i shall ask from joey. joey lim JIA YI you heard me!!

oh ya. the taiwan trip was ok lah. not tat fantastic though. my sis was quite disappointed cuz she didn't buy alot of clothes and things there. the only nice shopping place was the Shilin night market already lor. the others were so-so. and their stalls open so late can! on the last day we went to the taipei main station cuz the tour guide said tat got underground shopping centre and apparently she says it's better than city link. and rite, we go there none of the shops open yet ok. even the shopping centres above ground open at 11. then in the end going to 12 liao the underground one still not open. i tink if they were open the place shud be not bad. cuz we walk past then got alot of shops. so the last day was quite wasted.

and the bus ride up to Alishan was horrible. especially for people like me lor. in singapore sit in sbs transit or smrt buses alr cannot take it liao. so can you imagine the bus ride?? siao one lor. then when we alighted we bought those sour plums. and i ate and ate but not sour one. so according to my sis, there were alot of acids in my mouth. haha. im acidic!! oh ya. and it rained at Alishan. again. everyday rain one. so sian.

hmm. i shall go do my wen zhang fen si alr. haix. i only managed to find 2 wen zhangs. alright then. bye bye! (:

The End.
3:51 PM

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

wow. i realised that every post i would say "so long nvr post liao. it has almost been a month since i last posted" haha. hey but it's true. and now is really one month later. ok ya. i shud talk some crap since nobody's gonna read it anw cuz my blog is so damn dead. yah. (: ok so...... many things happening nowadays, these few days...... and it's not very nice to talk about. it's like i dun think anyone noe i have this kind of hatred building up in me. though now that i said it, it's kinda obvious. and i think im quite a good actor. cuz usually im smiling while yall are disappointed/ sad. it's so complicated to yall, but it's so simple like shit to me. only that i dun noe why too...... and i realised that i love looking at the future. cuz i guess i will be so damn happy when ____ comes. haha. yah. so that's abt it. shan't talk more though i have som much to say. well, it's juz like the hydrogen gas building in a test-tube when u shut it tight with yr finger. ok right, im juz practising my chem. but it sounds so true. (:

SIAs are so freaking irritating. since we are only getting 1 SIA in a year, can't Nanyang like distribute it throughout the year instead of making its students so freaked and stressed out. sometimes i tink they are juz trying to TRAIN our time management skills. oh and maybe at the same time train our wonderful and strong our eyes are cuz we will spend at least 2 hrs in front of the com everyday trying to rush out some shit report. gah. im getting more pissed.

ok. then dun talk abt those stupid stuffs liao. forget it for now, though it will never end. the biggest one next year maybe?? looking forward (: oh ya. results out le. sianned. MSG got 2.3 which is lower than last yr. sigh. i realised my marks are going towards A2 and it's quite irritating cuz those A1s last yr also goes to A2 now. -.- urgh. alright, shud end here. maybe i should call joey up cuz she's supposed to be online 20min ago to do our so dead LA SIA. bye (:

The End.
9:38 PM

Saturday, April 19, 2008

hey. it's so long since i posted. oh my gosh. OM is finally over. but it kinda feels weird, cuz it's like im so used to hearing the music and "good evening everyone. it's now 6 o'clock. it's time for u to pack up and return home to your family..." and not follow and stay way up to 8.20pm to do OM. i tink the best night was on last friday. the last night before OM Singapore. im sure alot of u (my groupmates) would think so too. and mr thiong was so nice too. he stayed with us till so late and at least helped us and carried our props down to the canteen instead of standing there and STALKING us. but now it's like we stay back to do some randomn stuffs, doing homework, talking and it feels wierd not needing to do props, stable our backdrops, rehearsing our skit, etc... and now everything is done. wow. just 8 minutes and everything is over. 7 months of hard work for 8 minutes.

i must say this journey of OM is tough. we shed tears of both disappointment and joy. but it all comes down to the last few days where we really enjoyed ourselves. alot. i remember the day when we went for our spontaneous prob, when we were all sitting there, so nervous and scared but absorbing the atmostphere around us which was so damn high gradually. and then came the actual day. i will never ever forget this day.

when me, xiaowen and jiayun painted our nose pink that stinked like hell.
when we were so happy that our classmates came to support us.
when we went to ACSI and mr thiong kept asking us to go somewhere else to rehearse cuz he can't stand the heat.
when we decided to slack and went down to the beautiful canteen, eating pasta then suddenly the people called and said that we were going to perform in 30 minutes time.
when we all flustered when we heard that news and ran back to the dining hall.
when we were rushing out the material value forms juz a few minutes before our performance.
when we were all standing outside the performance area with all our props, waiting for our turn.
when we all hugged each other and said 'jiayou' before we went in.
when the judges asked us if we were ready and were all so nervous like siao that we hid behind the backdrop saying 'yes!'.
when xiaowen started off the whole performance narrating.
when we saw the judges laughing at the part where the replicas ran on top of the backdrop.
when me and xiaowen were behind the backdrop, glad that everything went well then.
when it came down to the 2nd last scene and xiaowen was actually too kan chiong that she brought out the mini dino backdrop when me and jiayun haven't even started talking.
when the balloon bursted and me, xiaowen and jiayun came out to high-5 with each other and ended the performance.
when the judges came up to ask us question and all of us answered together with such teamwork.
when we were so excited that it's finally over that while we were clearing our props from the performance area, some props actually fell apart cuz of our poor handling.
when we left the performance area and all of us were cheering and screaming like siao.
when the 3 rats went to wash off their make-up on them and it just can't get off.
when we left ACSI for our celebration and it was raining and we had to share umbrellas.
when jaime hong ran through the rain, slipped and fell into a puddle of water.
when we were on bus 14 and took a short nap.
when we reached taka and ate mos burger.
when xiaowen kept pinching jaime hong's cheeks and the people around all laughed at her.
when we actually forgot about the time and had to take the cab back to ACSI cuz we were going to be late.
when we mat up with mr thiong and saw our scoresheets and were so happy.
when mr thiong said that we would win cuz the other teams were so lousy and we thought that he was juz trying to console us.
when we were in the auditorium waiting for our results with no pressure at all, and quite sianned cuz it was always the same schools winning.
when it came to prob 2 div 3 and we were not hopeful that we would win anything.
when the announcer said "3rd runner up...... NANYANG GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOL" and we all lagged and stoned.
when the other teams started cheering and we scrambled out of our seats.
when i was so excited and shocked that i stepped on my own shoelaces and it untied.
when we went up the stage together and took our trophies and went down the stage, and still couldn't believe it.
when we got down the stage then realised that we actually won and hugged each other.
when we saw our big trophy but was so sad that we couldn't keep it.
when we left ACSI so happily and went back to school, taking like a thousand pictures with our trophies.
when we left school one by one, ending the day, satisfied and proud.

i will never forget this time when we were doing OM, forever. just want to say, I AM SO PROUD OF YOU MY OM GROUP!! haha. (:

The End.
10:28 AM

Friday, March 21, 2008

oh yay. hello everyone!! haha. so long nvr post liao. but now that i post, it means that the block tests are over!! whee!! haha. zi high. oh yeah. talk abt block tests rite, then i very sad. CUZ MY HISTORY IS SO FREAKING DEAD AND IF I COULD GET ABOVE 6/11..... ERR. I DUNNO WAT IM GOING TO DO BUT ANYWAY IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.

hmm. anyway, we went out last night. with xiaowen, joey, jaime, jamie, ping zheng, gerbera and yvonne. watched Step Up 2 in the evening after netball training and cuz others aso got something on in the afternoon. oh ya. but the movie was great. and i ate Subway for the first time in my entire life. so pathetic right. shared with joey Subway Meltz. walao. damn nice kay. and of course mine got no vege lah. haha. hmm. Step Up 2 was nice. as in although the plot is not that well developed, like if there was no dancing, then not nice lah. so the whole point of going to watch Step Up 2 is to watch them dance. which is super duper fantastic can. oh man. damn pro lah. the main actor dance until damn good can. me and yvonne was like "walao!! he every type of dance aso know one lor!!" haha. he can even dance ballet. haha.

oh ya. i should stop liao. cuz i wanna plai viwawa. haha. (:

The End.
10:51 AM

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

hello everyone!! (: i shall post this last time before the lifeskills camp cuz i can bet that after the camp, i will not post again until, a) exams are all over, b) that my group's OM is settled. haha. im impersonating ms lim. lolx.

alright. anyway, had the personality assesment today. and im a S.I ok. but my 'S' is higher though. sounds sick can. grr. but i think that it kinda suits me. it stands for stable/steady. hmm. D-dominant, I-inspiring/influential, S-steady/stable and C-compliant. yup. so the guy said that if there's this class that have all of them, D,I,S and C, then for example the 'D' will say "let's go snow city" then the 'I' will say "oh ok!! let's go then!" and the 'S' will say "snow city ah... oh. ok lorhx." and the 'C' will say "but according to the amount of class funds we have, we only have $40.20. are u sure that is enough for all of us to go?? and i've researched about snow city that......" haha. i tink 'S' is totally me lorhx. so it's quite accurate i guess. only xiaowen's one not very accurate. firstly, she took like dunno how long to finish answering 24 questions. secondly, some is she anyhow choose one. so... but anw, the according to the results, xiaowen is a 'S' too. which i dun think so can. i tink she is more of a 'D'. there's like so many similar characteristics that a D have which xiaowen also has. like for example, D's possible weakness is that she can be very argumentative. so true right. wahaha.

hmm. lets not talk about that liao. the end of the whole thingo for the personality thing is super boring lahx. haha. oh, and i found out that we are watching Drumline for the Movie Under the Stars. nvr hear before de can. haix... hope that the camp will be very fun though.

oh and i changing to put the tagboard at the top cuz some shuaku people couldn't find it at first. lolx. give u a clue. her name starts with a letter X. haha. so obvious right. (:

The End.
2:11 PM

Sunday, March 02, 2008

haha. it feels nice to slack. cuz im currently slacking now although i shouldn't be cuz exams are like coming lah. anw, hope yall like this new skin. joey thought tat it was plain. but i liked it cuz it was plain and my life indeed is dull. i suppose everyone will agree tat theirs is too.

haix. actually today supposed to go buy eclipse one. yah, i haven't buy yet after so long cuz i waiting for the price to drop. it's sooo super ex can. tat time i go see it's $32 liddat. siao. so now hope that the price dropped liao. but rite, i went to marine parade de popular there, then they say that it's out of stock for very long liao. then the person walked away. like wth lah. out of stock so long liao then nvr re-stock. hmph. then actually wanted to walk over to parkway de borders to go see one. but then later got heavy rain so we decided not to go lorhx. so sad rite. gah. my mum say she will help me go see her office there have anot.

omg. and i had a terrible dream last nite. i shouldn't post it cuz i scared she got come and see. it's about... as jamie calls her... boo!! haha. but if yall wanna noe wats it's about then yall can come ask me in sch. wahaha.

oh ya. should go pack bag for camp liao. but too lazy to do now lehx. anw,me and xiaowen bringing disposable forks and spoons so that we will not nid to wash them. hehe. so smart rite. and i wonder what movie we watching. hope it's not those boring old shows. haha.

alright. shall end here. byes!! (:

The End.
4:46 PM

Saturday, March 01, 2008

hello!! im back again!! now with a good and happy mood. (:

hmm. i juz realised that after i finish my LA RAFT assignment, im left with no more projects due!! haha. yay. then i can enjoy my sec 2 lifeskills camp.

next week is camp le. so exciting and fun. and i can't wait to do so many things!! i can't wait to take the personality assesment, i can't wait to sleepover in school, although thinking about sleeping in class really turns me off, seriously. it's so super dirty can. i tink we will be doing like wat seniors did in netball camp- take many buckets of water and splash it all over the floor then let it dry. haha. i can't wait to sleep with all my beloved friends and spend the whole 2 days with them!! i can't wait to stay up without teachers knowing and play pokka cards and eat khong guan biscuits with them!! i can't wait to talk to them during bed-time and talk till we all sleep!! haha. isn't it like so fun!! (:

hmm. but firstly, i muz clear the pig-sty under my table first and dump them into my locker and only clear it at the end of the year with xiaowen. haha. (:

ok. muz go do my RAFT then i can slack liao le!! byes!! (:

The End.
2:10 PM


28th June 1994
Canossa Covent Primary School
Nanyang Girls' High School




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-CCPS frens-
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  • heather

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  • clarissa
  • gerbera
  • huishan
  • jaime
  • jamie
  • kaicheng
  • minghui
  • minshuen
  • pingzheng
  • ruiqi
  • sheryin
  • xiaowen

  • -NYNB sec 2'08
  • chuan ling
  • jingwen
  • jolene
  • joy
  • ziwei

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