Wednesday, June 11, 2008
hey!! came back from taiwan already le!! haha. and i gave joey a box of plasters from taiwan. ok, dun misunderstand. they're actually chocolates tat really look like plasters. thought of joey the moment i saw it. plasters -> joey -> blisters -> plasters. see, so related right. oh and the others all thought they were plasters too. but in the end they still found out and everyone took 1 from joey. oh ya tat reminds me. i haven't take 1 yet!! i so kind, never buy for myself lor. so i shall ask from joey. joey lim JIA YI you heard me!!oh ya. the taiwan trip was ok lah. not tat fantastic though. my sis was quite disappointed cuz she didn't buy alot of clothes and things there. the only nice shopping place was the Shilin night market already lor. the others were so-so. and their stalls open so late can! on the last day we went to the taipei main station cuz the tour guide said tat got underground shopping centre and apparently she says it's better than city link. and rite, we go there none of the shops open yet ok. even the shopping centres above ground open at 11. then in the end going to 12 liao the underground one still not open. i tink if they were open the place shud be not bad. cuz we walk past then got alot of shops. so the last day was quite wasted.and the bus ride up to Alishan was horrible. especially for people like me lor. in singapore sit in sbs transit or smrt buses alr cannot take it liao. so can you imagine the bus ride?? siao one lor. then when we alighted we bought those sour plums. and i ate and ate but not sour one. so according to my sis, there were alot of acids in my mouth. haha. im acidic!! oh ya. and it rained at Alishan. again. everyday rain one. so sian.hmm. i shall go do my wen zhang fen si alr. haix. i only managed to find 2 wen zhangs. alright then. bye bye! (:
The End.
3:51 PM
28th June 1994
Canossa Covent Primary School
Nanyang Girls' High School