Friday, March 10, 2006
exams r finally over!!!! i can't believe tat it's the school holidaes!!
Finally i can sleep longer n later. haha
well, i thought tat my mum would kill me 4 my results. instead, everytime when i show my exam papers 2 her, the cane comes along too. my sis also got her maths common test bac n she failed, well, most of her class did. she told me tat there's a boi tat got 45/50 n he still very sad. Wonder how do they think.
Bac 2 the topic.
Ok, both my sis n i thought tat we r so busted but hey, mum did not beat me!!!
I was surprised [of course] but she only said," ah u see, get so low....".
Nvm, tats ok. i dun think this holidae would be a gd one!!! i have a dentist appointment 4 a x-ray on my teeth. i'm goin 2 put braces!! AHHHHH!!!!
BUT i still dunnoe when!! HA
The End.
1:47 PM
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
exams r finaly over n its time to CHECK PAPERS. oh no!!!!!!!!!
OK, i got my higher chinese, english n maths paper results liao. hcl get 88 marks.[only 4 my mum] but hey i think its still okay, emphasise on d word HIGHER. english got 83/95. got make improvement frm last yr, my hcl also got improve mah, somemore more than eng.then my maths... i would sae tat its kinda dissapointin, but hey, my partner,Xuan Hui, got high marks too!! maybe influenced by me.[haha]
maybe i should set my sis school as my target. mum saes maybe i can try 4 the DSA. its very hard,[of course la!!! gd school mah] my sis told me tat there's a question tat asks:
Males who lies are terrorist n males who dun lie r not terrorists. then got 1 scene tat shows 1 male sae something n the other one dun. then they ask u which one is the terrorist.
Isn't it difficult??? Then later they add in the females. they r the opposite of the males n they ask the same q. again. wonder if i can get in.....
The End.
3:06 PM
28th June 1994
Canossa Covent Primary School
Nanyang Girls' High School